HOME 2020

Sumeya Osman's Welcome Message for HOME 2020


Watch Golden Melody Band perform at the HOME 2020 launch event, which was broadcast live on June 20, 2020. To watch the full HOME 2020 launch event broadcast, click here.

Use Me As You Want

May June Paw, and her niece Alice, sing a gospel song about the importance of being in service to others and the community. In her words, "The song is about dedication to God, that helping others is doing God's work." May June is a second-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, majoring in Elementary Education. Her active involvement in the Karen refugee community led her to volunteer at SEA Literacy, at her local church, and with the Karen American Association of Milwaukee. As a member  of the Refugee Steering Committee at Lynden, May June organized a Karen-Thai table serving savory snacks and desserts for Lynden’s 10th Annual Winter Carnival. She used this opportunity to engage with the public on the Karen diaspora in Milwaukee and the forced displacement that has made so many Karen people refugees.